Thursday, August 18, 2016

Thing 35: Flipped Learning and STEM/STEAM


Ever since STEM/STEAM came on the scene a lot of us ELA teachers have had a bit of a chip on our shoulders.  I have definitely found myself feeling as though I'm on the outside looking in, and my eyes have admittedly glossed over as another STEM/STEAM conversation has picked up.  I have felt disenfranchised by the whole movement, so I used my research time this week to take a look at the connection between STEM/STEAM and my beloved ELA.  I'm so glad that I did!

The first article that I offer is from the Washington Post: How to Integrate Literacy with STEM.  The authors illuminate the idea that it's not an "either/or" discussion.  We cannot have STEM/STEAM without the literacy piece, so we do our best work when we strive to integrate these subject areas for kids. Brilliant!

I loved what Vanessa Greenlee had to say about the connection of STEM/STEAM and ELA.  She worked with her colleagues to develop STEM units of study that incorporated the ELA standards. "My job is to help STEM students gain the collaboration and communication skills they need to bring their science, technology, engineering, and math skills to fruition in the 21st century marketplace," Greenlee says about her role in as an ELA teacher in STEM education.

Finally, I visited a blog series that had many great ideas for STEM/STEAM units that are PBL focused.  These offer many ideas for integrated units.  One of my favorite sites was the site. I've already got ideas for great social studies units to use (that's right, I said social studies!!!).

Flipped Learning in the ELA Classroom

I've heard a lot about flipped classroom from my science and math colleagues.  I see the merit with it, but I've had trouble wrapping my mind around how something like this can work in the ELA classroom.  I focused my research specifically on the ELA flipped classroom, and I've come away with many great resources!

I'm really intrigued with the idea of blogs and reading.  Susie used them in her classroom last year, and I've got ideas for how I'd like to use them this year.  This article is a great resource for ELA teachers who want to get kids reading more in the classroom.  I love the assertion that the teacher is able to do much more coaching this way.  Basically, the kids read in class and blog at home to show their learning/understanding.  The blogs are giving the teacher insights into what to teach into and who to meet with each day.  

I found this post very helpful in wrapping my mind around what flipping is and isn't.  Again, the focus seems to be on the flipping being purposeful in adding to what can occur in the classroom.  You flip for things "students can find in a few seconds on their devices".  Obviously, this doesn't work for every concept, but it's got me thinking about which ones it will work for.  Flipping for those seems like a no brainer, and it would give us so much time together to work/write/read in class!

Finally, I started thinking about what this would really look like in practice.  I checked out this school's website, and I really liked the explanation that was given to kids.  One thing they shared on their website was that kids could pause and rewind the videos as they watched.  I love this feature of flipped learning.  When we're teaching live, we always tell kids "stop me if you need it repeated" or "let me know if you need me to slow down", and no one ever raises a hand!  The flipped classroom allows kids to go at their own pace without the fear that someone will judge them for it!  Brilliant!

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