Friday, June 24, 2016

Thing 4: Google Apps for Education

So, I don't know about any of you, but this task took me two whole hours (and there's still THREE more things left this week!)!  Whew!  I'm pooped!

I feel like I'm learning a lot, but this week has me questioning if I can keep up the pace of the 36 Things.  I'm second guessing if I'm really cut out for this 21st Century learning thing.  Is it just me?!  I hope not...

Google Apps for Education really have me thinking about my classroom and teaching.  Here's what's on my mind:

  1. What if kids wrote stories together with Docs?  They could each contribute parts to the whole.  The beauty of it is that they could work on it from anywhere really.  And, because it's live, they could see what others are adding and doing along the way.  This would be a great way to incorporate the free writing they all crave so much.  Has anyone tried anything like this before?
  2. Sheets could be a really interesting way to keep track of reading next year.  Kids always fight the idea of keeping reading logs, but I'm wondering if something like Sheets might ignite some of them. As they add their information, they can see the other kids adding theirs as well.   I know when I take a look at our shared Sheet for this class, I get motivated to be on the same pace as everyone else.  Maybe it would act as a motivator for kids as well?  
  3. Finally, I love the Calendar idea for keeping track of classroom upcoming events.  I could see us using it to keep track of birthdays and upcoming due dates.  My question is can I share just that classroom calendar with the kids, or will they see all the calendars I'm linked to?  I wouldn't want them to see all of them!  Also, is this a better option than Schoology? 


  1. I couldn't agree with you more about the time commitment Megan! Each weekly assignment has taken me minimum of 3 hours, so don't feel like you are the only one!
    As for the google apps- I haven't got to this "thing" yet, but I could see them working out great in a classroom that the kids share most of their time in. The calendar idea is cool- keep track of important things like tests/projects, but also fun things like birthdays, field trips, and school-wide events.

  2. I'm also with both of you on the time commitment - this week took me forever as well! I love your idea about using google docs for kids to write something together - what a great collaboration tool for students and educators.

  3. I think the first two weeks are heavier than most and things will even out as the course continues. Let me know if you are spending more than 3 hours a week.

    Your question on calendars in Schoology vs. Google. You can always just link the Google calendar to your schoology class, so students can see it there. Nice to have one stop shop. If their other teachers are using the Schoology calendar, it would be good to keep using that so the students don't feel like they have 9 bosses (talk to your team and make a team- based decision on which to use, your students will thank you).

    Sharing calendars- you would share a specific calendar with them, they wouldn't see all of your calendars.
