Saturday, June 18, 2016

7 1/2 Habits of Effective Lifelong Learners

1.  Begin with the end in mind.
2.  Accept responsibility for your own learning.
3.  View problems as challenges.
4.  Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner.
5.  Create your own learning toolbox.
6.  Use technology to your advantage.
7.  Teach and mentor others.
7.5.  Play.

When I look at this list, I consider many of them to be challenging, but perhaps the most challenging for me will be Habit #4: Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner.  I don't have any confidence in myself when it comes to technology, and I am very hard on myself as a learner.  Although I teach my students that mistakes are part of the learning process, I have trouble accepting that of myself as a learner.  I want it all to be perfect the first time!

To conquer this habit I'm going to need to:

  • remind myself of how far I've come with technology.  The year I started sixth grade was the first year we had computers in my school; the first time I had email was my first year of college.  I've learned a ton in a relatively short amount of time.  I need to focus on the positive work I've already done to help propel me forward in my learning.
  • keep my self-talk positive.  I need to embrace the learning and the mistakes.  It will be important for me to go easy on myself as I learn and try new things.  I will also need to embrace asking for help and learning from others as we go.
Habits #2 and #3 seem as though they fit most nicely with my outlook on life.  They'll be the easiest for me to embrace because this is how I view the world.  My work as a teacher and as an administrator have really helped me to see that problems are just challenges that can be overcome with the right attitude.  I think all the work I've done with Mindset (Carol Dweck) has prepared me to take responsibility for my own learning.

Finally, habit #4 seems like it will be the most important for this 36 Things course.  If I can master Habit #4, I'll be able to tackle each new experience with an open mind.  This will allow me to maximize my learning.  I'm hoping that I can use my comfort with habits #2 and #3 to propel me forward into mastering Habit #4 as the course moves on.


  1. I agree it's tough to let go of wanting things to be perfect the first time. I think the best thing about technology is that, as adult learners, everyone is pretty much in the same boat, we're all learning together. The learners that are most successful, are those that are not afraid to try and to ask for help. Even if that help is coming from your students, it's okay if they know more. Listen to their ideas and take their lead.

  2. You are going to do great! We are a community of teachers with varied levels of technology skills, but what we do have is strong communication skills where we share ideas and shouldn't be afraid to ask for help. Let me know if you have any questions and I'd be happy to help if I can.

  3. I always appreciate knowing oneself and knowing what could be a challenge for yourself. Technology is my trouble spot but knowing the benefits that it has for myself and my students makes me want more. Every day is a challenge and staying positive, like you do daily, will make you a successful teacher for your students. We all should have the outlook you have and the attitude to succeed, this makes you a wonderful lifelong learner.
